Chia seeds are a such wonderful seed. These little seeds are a great source of protein, fiber, and Omega-3 fatty acids. They absorb liquid and puff up to give that pudding-like consistency. I've tried the pudding with and without blending, and I'm okay with it either way. So if you're on the fence about if you like chia pudding, I would recommend that you try to prepare it both ways before you cross it off your list of things you like.
One serving of chia seeds is 2 tablespoons or 1 oz.
1 serving = 5 g protein = 11 g fiber = 12 g carbohydrates = 9 g fat (mostly polyunsaturated fat) = 128 calories = #superfood
Chia seeds are a great source of protein. Protein is good for repairing and building muscles, and you need protein stored in your body in case of injury or illness. Because it's a good source of protein, chia seed pudding is a good option for breakfast and is evening a healthy dessert option.

The little seed is packed with fiber. If you haven't heard, fiber is great. It keeps you feeling full for longer. It aids in lowering cholesterol levels. It the bulk you need to clean your colon and aids in digestion.
Polyunsaturated fats are those "good fats" that are needed to protect your heart. They can help to reduce the levels of cholesterol in your blood decreasing your risk for heart disease and stroke.
If all these benefits to trying chia seeds aren't convincing enough, you can click here for more reasons.

Chia pudding is a cool way to incorporate chia seeds into your diet. What's great about chia pudding is that all you need is some flavored liquid and chia seeds. There's a really easy 3 ingredient recipe.
Three Ingredient Chia Pudding
4 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1 tsp Honey
1 C Unsweetened Almond Milk

In a small jar add the almond milk and honey. Mix until well incorporated. You may substitute the honey with maple syrup if you prefer. Add in the chia seeds and stir. Let set for about a minute and stir for about 30 seconds. Then let sit overnight.
Fruity Variations
Raspberry Chia Seed Pudding
1/2 Cup Raspberries
1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 tsp Honey or Maple Syrup
4 Tbsp Chia Seeds

In a blender, blend the raspberries, milk, and honey until smooth. Add in the chia seeds and blend for 30 seconds. Let sit for 1 - 2 minutes and blend for another 30 seconds. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate overnight.
Blueberry Chia Seed Pudding
1/2 Cup Bluberries
1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 tsp Honey or Maple Syrup
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
4 Tbsp Chia Seeds

In a blender, blend the blueberries, milk, honey, and vanilla until smooth. Add in the chia seeds and blend for 30 seconds. Let sit for 1 - 2 minutes and blend for another 30 seconds. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate overnight. And there you have it.
Now you have the basics to easy chia seed pudding recipes. The recipes are so quick and easy, you'll be making these puddings again and again.